18 October 2011

Quality moments

Cycling back from the gym after dark. (Now it means after 7pm.) MGMT in my ears. Street lights shine back from the wet street. The autumn air is fresh as ever. Awesome.

It´s been kind of hectic these past two weeks but there´s always room for moments like that, moments when you are just right there. Enjoying the sheer happiness of being alive and free. I can do precisely what I want and I´m not responsible for anyone. Except for myself.

Right now I´m really enjoying autumn because it has kind of more depth than other seasons. There is a special air of sadness but the inevitable arrival of winter doesn´t feel threatening to me. Transformations in nature are always fascinating, even brutal ones.

Sunlight is getting scarce and I´m determined to stay well. I´ve been reading way too much about nutrition and it´s getting a bit overwhelming. I´ve read so much that now there can be two completely opposite views in one matter, e.g. whole grain or dairy producst. I´ve lost my sense of "right and wrong". To eat or not to eat? That´s the question and you can never be sure.

Health can mean different things to others and staying well is a very personal thing because people have different metabolism etc. After studying superfood, raw food, low-carb diet and the likes I´m back to square one and I have to say it´s a relief. There was no ultimate "truth" after all. Just one word is loud and clear in my mind: quality! That´s what everyone can agree on. It applies to many things besides food.

There´s no need to give up anything. Nearly every "bad" food can be replaced with a better version. (Chocolate is a perfect example. Google "raw chocolate" and your life will never be the same again.) There may also be foods we are eating just out of habit or because we´ve always been told they are healthy. Maybe it´s time to stop and re-think, especially if you have any health problems (obesity, fatigue, flue, headache, insomnia, depression...) It´s important to remember that medicine companies don´t care about your health. What is the purpose of any company? To make money, of course...

Your food shall
be your
medicine and
your medicine
shall be your

I don´t recommend getting obsessed about food because there are more important things in life. It´s enough to question "official recommendations" and listen to your body because it´s pretty smart as it is. And actually you know already what good food is. It´s logic. Pasta sauce from a jar or from fresh ingredients? Quality of food is closely connected to quality of life.


  1. I think food companies have taken heed of Hippocrates and invented the blood sport of superfood in the same manner as medicine companies. If you compare vitamin ads with yoghurt or similar "brand-food" ads, there are similarities to be found.

    I didn't google for raw chocolate or do any research, but today I had the privilege of making venison stew that had all of its ingredients (except salt, butter, pepper and the venison that was hunted by the club my gramps is in) from my granfathers garden. It hit me once again how natural the food tasted and how the feeling of overeating didn't have the symptoms of "nausea". You really don't get to have such fresh-quality food with student's income in Helsinki, even though there is no real shortage of "good food".

    I haven't commented in a while but I have to say once again that your blog is nice to read. I might make more sense in Finnish but since you write such good English I want to have a go, too! ;)


  2. Thanks Keksi! You´re absolutely right that "superfood" is a term of commercial purpose. We can also talk about highly nutritious food. I haven´t seen anyone advertising "superfoods", expect bloggers. Many of these foods are also free of charge (e.g. blueberry, nettle)...

    I´m totally for any wild food like venison even though I don´t eat it myself. And yeah, quality costs sometimes. But eating good food is investing on your own health, what could be more important? :) I´m actually jealous for you because there is a big new Maatilatori in Kluuvi!

    Yes, you should definitely start a blog too! I´ve always thought you have a way with words. :)

  3. I might give Maatilatori a go once I learn not to spend most of my spare coin to buying music, heh. Thanks for the tip!

    And if I start a blog of my own, I'll let you know :) I have some entries in www.nnposse.blogspot.com, but I rarely feel that I have enough quality topics to discuss by myself that would be interesting to other people as well. I'm quite mental with the quality..
