06 October 2011

Happy happy joy joy

It´s annoyingly important to seek happiness these days. More important is to be content and do things you like. This may sound really obvious but do people practise what they preach? And why are there so many obligations in life? As the Finnish saying has it: in this life only dying and paying taxes are obligatory!

Also, in the words of Steve Jobs who just passed away, life is too short to be doing something you don´t enjoy. It´s pretty straight-forward, and true. But still I know many people who do things just because “they´re supposed to” or because they don´t have the courage to change things. You go to the gym because it´s a healthy hobby even if it bores you to death. You maintain unsatisfying friendships because you´ve been friends forever. You´re stuck with your job because you don´t have any other education...

It may be hard to find your true passion in working life, let alone to make drastic changes. Yet I still think here in rich western countries we have a lot of choice and freedom and the society helps us in many ways. The worst thing that can happen isn´t normally very fatal. Of course the society would rather we graduate quickly and work all our lives effectively. That doesn´t sound very humane to me. The notorious “system” doesn´t support soft values like freedom and happiness.

It´s useful try to imagine how you would feel when you´re very old. What kind of things do you look back at? What do you regret? I like to tell myself at the moment of decision making: do whatever you would regret the least!

In other words, if you feel in your heart/guts/stomach that something better awaits, trust your instinct! Even the craziest ideas can come true if you put some thought and effort to it. Homer Simpson said: Trying is the first step towards failure. But it might aswell be a step towards success.

When you find something you truly enjoy, you don´t even have time to long for something better. Slight changes can always be made but everyday life should be atleast satisfactory. Happiness is its by-product. It´s a passing moment; autumn light through curtains, smell of fresh coffee or touch of a hand. Joy can bubble and burst or maybe it just sits inside your chest like a cooing dove (easy there, Shakespeare!). Did you ever feel that way because you bought something nice? I didn´t think so. Happiness is something more profound and inexplicable. Like someone said: Ask yourself if you are happy and you become unhappy. (Sorry for my quote diarrhoea!)

I know some fool-proof tricks to feel happy. It might not work for everyone but just try unless you´re busy realizing your real calling in life...
  • learn new skills and develop yourself
  • be out in the nature
  • see beautiful pictures and movies
  • create something beautiful yourself
  • listen to good music (I mean really listening)
  • play games and win from time to time ;)
  • joke, fool around and laugh out loud (LOL)
  • have crush on someone
  • make fantastic food out of good ingredients
  • get excited
  • plan a trip
  • be close to other humans, hug and smooch :*
  • be close to animals e.g. stroke cats
  • help others, volunteer
  • smile for no reason (yes, you will look like an idiot)
  • grow herbs or other plants
  • set a goal and achieve it
  • ...


  1. Huippu kirjoitus!
    Tuli yrittämisestä ja onnistumisesta mieleen jonkun astetta vaisumman tyypin selitys sille, miksi ei kannata yrittää: oon ennenkin yrittäny, ja/tai: en oo ennenkään yrittäny. Näkökulmia on monenlaisia!

    terkuin, Johanna

    Ps. Onko sulla osoitetta, voiko kirjoittaa jonnekin?
    Pps. Millon tuut kotio?

  2. Kiitos Johnana! :)

    Kaikki ihmiset ei edes oo "yrittäjähenkisiä". Ainahan ei voi onnistua, mutta ehkä silloin voi miettiä, voisko tehdä jotain toisin. Ja sitten vaan yrittää uudelleen!

    Voihan mulle skriivaillakin: Kristian IVs gate 101 apt. 219, 4614 Kristiansand NORWAY.

    Tuun kotio joulukuun puolivälissä tod.näk. Vi ses!
