03 February 2011


 Meditation might make you think of a bald guy sitting cross-legged in lotus-position in pursuit of enlightenment. Originally a Buddhist practice, meditation is nowadays popular among ordinary people seeking peace of mind. It´s said that regular meditation can have effect on quality of life and one´s general happiness. You don´t have to be “spiritual” by definition (not even a vegan) to be interested in mindfulness...

I attended drop-in meditation classes a few times in Manchester and found it surprisingly beneficial. It was really hard at first because my mind tends to be busy and I´m generally restless. A good position is important because it keeps you from squirming and allows you to focus. The class would consist of three parts. First there was a bodyscan where you become aware of your body, the surroundings and the state of mind. Two following parts were breathing exercises with just a tiny difference. It was simply breathing and counting breaths and all the while trying not to think too much.

It sounds boring, I know. And I did nod off sometimes (maybe because it was always afternoon). It´s incredibly hard to keep your mind serene and let the thoughts go. But that´s how simple meditation can be and when you do it properly you notice the difference. It´s like afterwards you see things differently, you´re relaxed and more aware of the place and the moment. No doubt does it make you happier.

You can meditate anywhere anytime. It doesn´t have to take for long and you definitely don´t have to sit legs crossed and burn incence. I´ve started meditating while walking. Actually walking is like meditation or at least it can reflect your mind. I know people who always walk fast and you can guess what they are like. Yes, they can be nervous, insecure, restless or stressed out. Whereas a person who walks slowly makes me think of a relaxed content person. Well, it can mean laziness, too, but I know for sure which kind of walker observes and experiences more on the way.

I used to be a very impatient walker. I hated the fact I was moving in the slowest way in the world and running would just make me sweat. Now I see walking as a means to enjoy the very moment and be thankful of... well, being able to walk the street whenever I want and without having to fear, for example. I enjoy the ground, my shoes, the weather (be it rain or shine) and the slowness in particular. Destination is somewhere there but it doesn´t matter until I really get there.

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