18 March 2010

A cooking-kind of post

Don´t worry. This blog is not turning into a cooking blog but I still want to share my recent passion for cupcakes. It´s one of those simple pleasures in life and making them is really easy. My favourite part of the process is ofcourse decorating. Even in my former job I most enjoyed drawing lines on cheesecakes with raspberry sauce. But when I really set my creativity free and made differend decorations on every cake, boss sourly returned me back to the line...

This is the outcome of past two weeks. And there´s more to come because I finally bought that beautiful recipe book I´ve been yearning for atleast two years. Don´t ask me why I didn´t buy it before. It´s Gorgeous cakes by Annie Bell and next I´m going to try every recipe in the book..!

All started on a weekend home. With my sister I made chocolate-orange cupcakes with a wrong icing... We were out of normal icing sugar so we had to use the strawberry-one. No evidence from that session I´m afraid!

These cupcakes à la pear and chocolate (recipe from Marie´s blog which is in Finnish) I made at my place. I did improvise a lot and made an icing with the same principle as in orange cupcakes; meaning cream cheese, melted chocolate, whipped cream and icing sugar. These cuties were slightly dry but delicious altogether...

Next I wanted to make cupcakes without eggs because an allergic friend of my was coming over. A suitable recipe was found in Krisse´s blog. I modified this too and made it more chocolatey and added some coffee aswell. I used the same icing for this because they´re not cupcakes without it! The texture was quite heavy but don´t you just love those chocolate hearts!

This next one I made merely because I had to get rid of left-over icing I had in the fridge. It tasted so good that I thought it would make a good dough... So without any recipe I added water, flour, sugar, melted butter and baking powder. The result was way better I expected with random mesures and ingredients...! They´re not pretty but oh how soft and sweet they were!

Let´s see what I come up with for Easter...

1 comment:

  1. I love the chocolate heart decorate!

    My dear chef, keep practise and please make you best dessert for me when I come back in May :)
