29 December 2012

This year, I did it my way

Another year is drawing to a close. I just read through my Word-diary and made a little thinking as to sum up this year. My plan exactly a year ago was to stay in one place for a year and study hard: a plan that came true. Now my thoughts are circling around the future and, of course, traveling. I´m leaving again for sure, but don´t know where yet. I feel like I´ve seen all Vaasa has to give to me and it´s time to move on. The world is bustling all around.

This year I´ve had a lot of time to think what I want. My mind is constantly mulling over two opposites: peaceful and easy life against exciting adventures in the world. I´m seeing more and more people who don´t recognize the existence of the latter. It´s overwhelming how many people are depending on material or ego, how nobody questions anything nor listen to him/herself. And I never cease to wonder how much those people who don´t travel miss out. How people just worry about money, looks, work or health. How we look for answers from outside while all the answers are within ourselves. Can we not see good in what we have? Can we not be content with just our existence without analyzing and calculating all the time and discovering ourselves unhappy over and over again?

And moreover, I´m amazed how people want to "get there". For many people I suppose that means permanent job and permanent spouse. They are surely great things to have, but why are there still so many unhappy people, even married? Nothing is permanent. Even a relationship is an "external factor" that doesn´t solve anything as it is. Why are we so scared to be alone with ourselves? Why do we need a profession or a spouse to define ourselves? Meet the person inside you, that you are. What if you were alone and homeless? Would you be less worthy as a person or would you have smaller ability to see beauty around or be happy about little things? Would you have less curiosity and will to learn and develop yourself? Would you love yourself less?

Next year I want to get closer to the person inside of me. That person may be angry or even ridiculous. She is hopefully less egocentric and more tolerable to all kinds of people. Less jealous and judging. That person would be more like an observer of the world and not always running after achievements. She would have the right to change her opinion. She would be brave.

This year I´ve noticed better than ever how good nutrition is a key to a good life. Quality thinking has changed my life for good. Sometimes I feel really alone with my opinions but I can only keep setting example. I know there are more and more people who are aware of holistic health and real well-being.

Many foods I ate ten years ago with good appetite would disgust me these days. And how much better I feel now! Many years I used pain killers on weekly basis because I though it was normal to have headaches. I was tired in the afternoons and depressed by dark winters. Now I enjoy whatever the year brings. Quality in nutrition made such a big change in my life that I improved the quality in other fields, too. I feel like a whole person, both physically and mentally. I feel I can do anything.

Have the best new year ever !!

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