A couple of week ago I sat in the basement of the local eco shop listening to a bright-eyed man in his sixties talking about sugar. But not the sugar most people know, the white unhealthy stuff. The man was Matti Kuosmanen who imports whole cane sugar to Finland. He´s done research in Bolivia and knows a whole lot about the history of sugar and its health effects.
Whole cane sugar has been used in many ancient cultures as a remedy. It has many healing effects and it e.g prevents caries (!). I already mentioned the people of Okinawa in my previous post about longevity. Well, the same long-living people use cane sugar. It´s also an Ayurvedic remedy.
What I learned from Matti Kuosmanen was astonishing. I knew about cane sugar before but didn´t know it has such amazing super powers. It, for example...
- relieves stress
- energizes
- balances hydration and blood sugar
- is a source of iron and raises hemoglobin
- provides nutrition for cells (especially in spinal discs)
- provides minerals* (white sugar contains zero minerals)
- balances pH (cane sugar is a base so it´s perfect for coffee and meat consumers)
Word of warning: not all brown sugar is whole cane sugar! Matti Kuosmanen claimed that many brown sugars in the market are fake and they can actually be bleached and coloured with molasses. Real cane sugar is sand-like powder with a light brown tone. Sure thing it´s more expensive because the production is very very slow and is done manually. But I reckon the perks are worth it...
I dumped white sugar a good while ago and these days I immediately notice the peak in my blood sugar after some sweet treat. There are so many healthy sweeteners available now so I don´t know why anyone would use white sugar any more...?
*Mineral deficiency is said to cause numerous health problems so it´s worth looking into as well.
glass of water (hot or cold)
big pinch of Himalayan salt (or other unrefined food quality salt)
2 tbsp (or more) cane sugar
Stir and enjoy the rest of the autumn with full energy!
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