10 September 2011

Alternative remedies

It´s here again – the influenza season! I was determined of not getting a flue but here I am, feeling weak and blowing my nose every ten seconds. I´m doing my utmost to get rid of this plague without any pain killers.

Flue can be avoided naturally, as many health gurus claim. The best thing is obviously to lead a healthy life and preferably do something like ice simming to keep yout immune system strong. Sleep you window open! Nutritious food is very important for general well-being. Somehow I failed in all this and I blame it on chocolate.

Now I´m going for natural remedies. Try one of these:

  • Rest and stop exercising! Your body needs all the energy to fight the infection. Don´t stress!
  • Good excuse to sleep a lot.
  • Keep yourself warm, especially the feet (woollen socks are the best).
  • Keep hydrated and drink plenty of hot tea made of fresh ginger, honey and lemon.
    Ginger is another of nature´s antiviral herbs. It contains nearly a dozen antiviral compounds. Ginger is pain relieving, antiseptic and antioxidant. It is valuable for preventing and treating colds, sore throats and inflammation of mucus membranes. Ginger reduces pain and fever and has a mild sedative effect that will encourage rest. 
  • As much as you now want comfort food, avoid sugar! Sugar ”paralizes your system”.
  • Raw garlic is a miracle maker, it is said. Enjoy straight or on bread mixed with butter. Gr8! 
    Garlic has anti-bacterial properties that help the immune system to fight infection, it is an excellent boost to the immune system. The reason for this is garlic contains several helpful compounds, including allicin, one of the plant kingdom's most potent antibiotics. Garlic combines well with echinacea and together make a strong fighting force against infections.  
  • Eat wholesome food that breaks down easily such as soup. Chicken soup is often praised but I would leave out the chicken...
  • Overdoze on vitamin C! Oranges and organic vitamin supplements. Don´t forget that lemon in your tea.
  • Treat sore throat moderately with shots of alcohol.
  • Seasalt dissolved in hot water relieves sore throat. Gag! :D
  • Breath in steam to unblock your nose and get rid of that phlegm.

Today I pretty much fucked up my healing process because I biked around like mad while searching for an alternative culture festival outside town. I also spent some time sitting in a cold factory building with alternative people with many piercings listening to alternative music. Not everything alternative is good, though, but I strongly believe that nature has remedy to everything. I wish nature´s way was mainstream and everything else alternative!

Nevertheless, my aim is to get better before next week and my five long days off of worldly tasks. I leave you with these words that are not mine: Go to veggie market instead of pharmacy!

Peace xx


  1. I'm very glad, that you passed the flue... This smell of garlic was horrible.

  2. Haha... I´m sorry but I will go on eating garlic cuz it´s just so gooooood! ;)
