Finally I got myself a copy of Enough – the groundbreaking book by John Naish. It introduces a lifestyle of less. Less information, less money, less stuff etc. We live in a world where people are encouraged to get more and more which is propably the very reason for westerners´ unhappiness and mental problems. Not to mention obesity and environmental issues.
I´ve read the first chapter about ”infomania” - the excessive consumption of information and media. Naish surely has a point. We are voluntarily surrounded by commercials and adverts, we use social networks, surf on the net, listen to the radio or watch tv. Very often we do several things simultaneously. And who doesn´t have a mobile nowadays? It all has a huge impact on us. It makes our brain dull and blunt and steals the time we could be using in far better ways such as socializing with real people or developing ourselves.
Naish has a healthy philosophy on mobile phones. Nowadays it´s normal and even expected to be available or atleast in reach at all times. Naish himself doesn´t own a mobile and he prefers e-mail because it leaves him a possibility to think about his reply. He refers to phone calls as interruption. I agree in a way and I do actually hesitate when calling someone because you never know where the recipient might be at the moment. (Maybe you guessed already; I don´t have big phone bills.) Of course you can always choose not to pick up.
I think this infomania is something we don´t even realize and it´s a good thing to bring it up. I don´t even want to start on shopping...
My infodiet starts now. I won´t open the telly unless there´s something I specifically want to watch. I log on to Facebook and check my e-mails only once a day. I can peacefully ignore latest celeb gossips and news of that kind as there´s nothing in it for me. Actually I don´t need to keep up with the news at all. I stop being obsessed about the calls I receive. It´s very unlikely that unknown number is from a gallerist who wants to buy all my doodles for skyhigh prices...
Start a real life this year!
P.S. Ironically, now that I´ve been reunited with my laptop, I´ve started using pictures again. So I´ll be spending even more time on these blog entries...
I am looking for a pen pal, for real. I am so tired of this easy communication. We nearly shared the same topic in one of my post. Oh world, I still wish I was born in the 60's.